"Through the Wire" by Karlos Anthony - 2/5/15
“Through The Wire,” - the pixilation, of atmospheric views on thee nostalgic integration of urban civilization, in America. Solidifying the simplicity with the complexity of our surroundings, to progress the resilience of Our Spaceship, Earth. Initially it was gridded to spark generations, within time, it spread like a pandemic, thee pollution was not to far to follow for the growth of humanity. We get stuck in the wires, on which path to make, the conformities towards the maze of progression, when in reality it can all be so simple, but the greedy times will kick the perspective, on the potion of life. The communication is vague, approaching the importance of the energy consumed in order to produce vital growth. Out sourced the quality, so the wires became static, on the Time, where it is continuously moving forward in a dynamic cycle. The growth is out for everyone, though how can we grow towards the Light if the wires are blocking the galactic cosmic rays. The resilience will be achieved with the traditional views along with the contemporary enlightenment and knowledge of our environment. We all have to make the investment! The time is now, to further generate our hypothesis and conclusions on the guidance of atmospheric living for the prevention of natural and synthetic disasters. Please take the necessary steps to build the future towards the Healthier Environment, for our communities, our cities, our states, ultimately our planet. ——— karlosanthony.com
Fotoeffect Studio & Gallery is proud to present Karlos Anthony’s photography series “Through The Wire” as part of First Thursday in the Pearl. The exhibit will open 2/5/15 and be up through 2/21/15. We are looking forward to seeing you there!