

Vilèm’s Last Words

On Art :

To Art is to tweak the ordinary.
— Vilèm Stosek-Hamzsek
The day Art is to make us comfortable, we’re all done, finished....kaput...adios baby.
— Vilèm Stosek-Hamzsek

“Good art doesn’t need a title – but a good signature never hurts.”
“To Art is to Respond.”
“Art is full of what-ever(s).”
"There are no rules in Art, only rulers."
"Art – Do it like you mean it."
'There's nothing practical about Art."
"To Art is to run out of excuses."
"Art has no schedule."
"All Art is bit of a con."
“Art is mingling in communication.”
"Every Art is a sort of social commentary."
"The only bad Art is the Art unseen."
"Good Art does not match, it matters."
"Art, like life itself, is what one can get away with."
"Living without Art is a sin."
"Good Art costs more because it can."
“Art is self inflicted carnage.”
“Art does not negotiate. It conquers.”
“To art is to complain with gusto and bravado.”
“One can only assume my photography, like any other photography, is simple. It happened because I was there.”
“In Real Estate it’s location, location, location. In art it’s composition, composition, composition, then…PRESENTATION!”
"Art is not to prove a point, but that doesn't mean Art should be pointless."
"Sometimes the role of Art is to show us the rawest yet purest way of the utmost obvious."
"Art is like democracy it has to always evolve. But there's nothing democratic about the creative process. Thus Art is the purest form of dictatorship."

Art was the first true religion...everything else is demagogia of the soul.
— Vilèm Stosek-Hamzsek

On the Artist :

The Artist must be unreasonable, not without reason.
— Vilèm Stosek-Hamzsek

“The way you look at art is the way you (really) are.”
“After a while every Artist is a post graduate.”
"I'm an artist because my parents left me alone."
"Every artist performs a community service – good, bad or indifferent."
"Most (people) take pictures, some take a photograph, a few make a photograph."
"I wasn't destined to be an American born artist, but I'm certain I was born to be destined to be an artist in America."
"An artist without a good, healthy dose of attitude is like a vine without grapes...the better the grapes the better the vine."
"An artist with out an ego is like a mouse without cheese, a mediocre imitator."
"There are those who decorate with Art and there are those who are possessed by it...I prefer the latter.”

On Society :

Equality is Society’s best advantage.
— Vilèm Stosek-Hamzsek

“Amercia is a sacred cow everyone wants to milk.”
"The critic is an artist who can't Art."
"A man who can not out run societal mischief, crawls."
“Faith is permission to forgo logic.”
“Soldiers are often late but war always starts on time!”
"The church wants the government to stay out of their business. In that case the church should stay out of the government's business...otherwise open the books and be taxed just like any other business in the service sector...If you know what I mean…"
“Two hundred seventy years of western medicine, I expect it to be superior, not perfect.”
“Wars should be only fought with food, not over food…just a good old high school cafeteria food fight.”
“Women use makeup to cover their pores, men to cover their character."
“Historically every thought was/is, including art, of a questionable origin…”
“Even free thinking is only a chain reaction.”

On Money and Value :

"Money is only the fuel to get from point A to point B, what class one travels is purely up to him/ her."
"Money has no value if one does not know how to spend it."
"Middle class is not a financial statement; it is a state of mind."
“In all reality, it is a fact that money can not buy everything but it certainly can buy a lot of reality.”
"When I asked my father for ten bucks to take a girl to a movie he replied, ‘I'll give you ten if you bring me twenty back.’”
“Wealth allows one to buy any part of truth.”

On Life :

Passion is the only bad habit worth feeding.
— Vilèm Stosek-Hamzsek

"Life is situational."
“Life! One big, never ending cliché.”
“We all are casualties of living.”
“You don’t study life, you fucking live it…to the fullest.”
“Life is two thirds an act and one third believing in it.”
“A formal education is a must, but at the end we all learn alone.” “Life is such an ass. No one forgets an asshole…but everybody remembers a bad-ass and a friend. And sometimes a friend is both an asshole and a bad-ass.”
"If I knew I was going to have so much fun in life, I would have asked for a twin."
"I once had a dream that I was famous. I also once had a dream that I died. I would prefer very much to be famous first and not the other way around. That would be a real killer."

Three things I learned very early on from my mother: One – It’s good to be good, but it’s better to be better. Two – If you can not walk away, run. Three - The world wants to be fooled.
— Vilèm Stosek-Hamzsek